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Google Achilles heel is they have two businesses

a) Spy on people and sell the data to advertisers.

b) Use that data to directly push ads

That's basically incompatible with b2b services. Or consumer services. As a customer you're judged by how valuable the data they are collecting on you is. Which is less than a support call costs. That bleeds into every facet of their business. As such even if you pay them money you get the same treatment because they can't think any different.

> sell the data to advertisers

Do they?

They don't sell the golden goose. They rent a limited form of access to it.

Which service from Google rent user data?

Advertisers can choose to advertise to customers that fall into various buckets.

Income, gender, location, recent history of viewing specific types of pages, etc.

This is what I mean by limited form of access. Advertisers do not receive user information, but are granted the ability to use it when setting up ad campaigns.

They don't sell peoples personal data at least publicly. But that makes them care even less about end users, even paying end users. Which means a business is foolish to rely on them.

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