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I am as well, especially ever since i saw [1]. It's a small test that someone tried with GPT-3 that translates natural language descriptions and phrases into shell commands.

Some of the examples from the tweets:

> Q: find occurrences of the string "pepsi" in every file in the current directory recursively

> A: grep -r "pepsi"*

> Q: run prettier against every file in this directory recursively, rewriting the files

> A: prettier --write "*.js"

It also seems to work the other way as well. You can set it up to give it a shell command and have it write a plain english description of it.

Granted sometimes the results are wrong, and in a video I saw someone playing with it like 1/10 of the commands were subtly wrong or didn't have enough context to generate what you really meant, but as a starting point it seems like such a powerful tool!

I personally spend a lot of time looking up shell command flags, thinking of ways to combine tools to get the data I want out of a log or something, or running help commands to figure out the kubectl incantation that will just let me force a deployment to redeploy with the latest image.

Imagine having a VS-Code style command palette where I can just type a "plain english" description of what i'm trying to do, and have it generate a command that I can tweak or just run. Turning a 10 minute process of recalling esoteric flags or finding documentation into 10 seconds of typing.

If it's really as good as it seems, imagine being able to type stuff like "setup test scaffolding for the LoginPage component" and having it just generate a "close enough" starting point!

[1] https://twitter.com/harlandduman/status/1282132804034150400

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