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Indeed and looking at the graph of heroin production - kinda makes the Taliban look like good guys as they stopped it until they got removed by America and the heroin production grew. So pretty messed up.

Why no incentives or drive to curtail production and shift to more useful crops is something that seems to be ignored as an approach in that area.

If anything - 10 years times - second hand solar panels will be epicly cheap in that area and more so, all the land used for heroin production will be barren and that water shortage will impact far further than people will think. All these bore holes - only increase contamination of the water table and that may go unnoticed for decades.

This whole situation is creating a perfect storm on many levels and I welcome the sudden demise of heroin production.

However - all the money spent on customs and border patrol against drugs like heroin - if just a small percentage of that was used to incentivise produces to shift crops and stop producing heroin. That would actually work and be better overall. Though still going to have that water table issue come along and that is ticking clock of not if, but when.

Note that solar panels have limited lifespans in use. The usual industry warranty is 25 years, and they will have lost a fair amount of capacity by the end of it.

Standard warranty is 80% capacity after 25 years. At that rate you would have 50% capacity after 75 years.

Solar cells should last a long time. The panel itself will probably fail sooner - especially cheap ones made from plastic.

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