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I am a dude from Poland, taking that American job, correct. I am paid the same.

But mind you - If I am able to do that job, communicate in my second language, and still get it - maybe there are other problems at play?

The core premise of Remote Work is that it removes an unfair bareer (where you happened to be born)

- Oh no, Women in the workplace? Gonna steal your job!

- Oh no, immigrants? God forbid!

> This will cause your work to “flatten.” Whatever soft skills you bring to the table will be minimized when working remotely

On the contrary - you have to work on your soft skills 3x as hard. I wrote an entire (free) course about making Slack suck less:


> Remote work can stifle your career growth

There is a nugget there, but if you are the one working remotely with everybody else in the office - that is a situation to avoid.

But if everybody else is remote - somebody will progress their career, won't they?

That is beside the point - for me (again, NOT an American worker) this is unparalleled opportunity to get mentorship without uprooting my entire existence. I am a Team lead, and i also lead Americans.

Just wanted to let you know that your link 404s.

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