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Announcing Heroku for Logo... powered by Heroku (heroku.com)
121 points by bscofield on April 1, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

At first I thought this was a joke - I mean, it's April fools, right?

And then I thought: those guys are so smart, I bet they really did it.

So I tried it, and it works! http://rbcranes.heroku.com/

I heart Heroku :-)

They are using this implementation of Logo in javascript http://s3.amazonaws.com/heroku-logo/logo.js

Original source seems to be http://www.calormen.com/logo/

It's one of those "haha... but seriously" type of April Fools.

Last year GitHub added Subversion support: https://github.com/blog/626-announcing-svn-support

And a month later write support for svn: https://github.com/blog/644-subversion-write-support

Too bad it doesn't work.

I ♥ Heroku ☺ too!

This is awesome on so many levels.


About 25 years ago (gosh that's a long time), I had Atari Logo on the Atari 800 and was able to remember enough from then to get a filled circle:

  make "x 0
  repeat 100 [make "x :x+.01 repeat 360 [fd :x rt 1]]

Oh thats right it is April 1st.

This kind of joke I can stand -- it's ridiculous, but they actually did it.

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