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Collect HN: Aprils Fools
294 points by daleharvey on April 1, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 224 comments
Given the propensity of april fools jokes among the tech sites, I figured its probably a good idea to collect them in one thread as opposed to being individually submitted.

Opt out of April Fools Day with the "DNF" HTTP header:


If you are planning an April Fools joke on your web site, I urge you to support this important new web standard. :)

Where's the spec for the header?

Spec: The HTTP Request Header "DNF" is set to "1" if the user opted out of April Fools' Day jokes.

Thanks. I don't have FF4 on my Ubuntu laptop yet, but my testing with telnet says it's working. If you have the extension installed please check for me: http://ourdoings.com/2008-04-01 should redirect you to a picture of llamas ignoring April Fools Day if you've turned on DNF, otherwise it shows a fake "OpenID Support to be Removed" blog post from a prior April Fools day.

EDIT: One reply saying if it worked would be most appreciated.

It works - I saw the lamas!

In all honesty, I am struggling to figure out if this is an April's Fools Joke in and of itself, or if this is legit. The comments definitely don't help much.

Can someone just be explicit with it.

I am not running FF, if that matters.

It's both. The "DNF" header can't be a serious proposal since it doesn't follow the convention of other HTTP headers. They're leaving "Do-Not-Fool" unused in case it later becomes a serious proposal. But it does actually send the header, so in that sense it's legit.

Announcement for our DNF support: http://ourdoings.com/2011-04-01

> The "DNF" header can't be a serious proposal since it doesn't follow the convention of other HTTP headers.

Why do you say that? The Do Not Track header (which is of course quite serious) is "DNT".

I hadn't looked at DNT. Are there other recent http header propsals that use acronyms? Maybe I'm just not keeping with the times.

The rationale for "DNT" is to minimize the bandwidth/latency impact of adding a new header to every single HTTP request (for users who enable the "do not track" option).

Update: The official announcement is ready - http://mozillalabs.com/blog/2011/04/protecting-users-from-an...

I like how it is released, just one day before April 1. You know the day people are made fools.

The Canterbury Distribution: http://www.archlinux.org/ & http://www.debian.org/ & http://grml.org/ & Gentoo & openSUSE....

That's some team effort! Too bad it's a joke, I'd so get it right now...

We're pretty B2B, so we just subtly rotate the whole page by -2.5 to +2.5 deg. https://www.toptranslation.com/

(Supports the DNF protocol, btw.)

Every good startup knows when to pivot.

While I love the idea, I think that the shift is too subtle and somewhat causes the page to look out of focus and amateurish. Sorry - just pointing out how it looks to me with the effect on.

(Edit: After a few refreshes I see the more skewed pages and that makes more sense - I guess if the degrees is just slightly off 0 it doesn't look right)

Check the DNF implementation:

Without DNF: http://img.ly/3ksI Enable DNF: http://img.ly/3ksL Presto! http://img.ly/3ksM

Also, we now rotate every element on the page instead of just the body. Shakes things up! :)

Whoa, trippy, when i came back HN looked like it was off for a few seconds in comparison. haha

I specially upvoted for (Supports the DNF protocol, btw.)

I'm planning on installing a transparent proxy that rotates web pages 1-2 degrees with CSS3 transforms.


This is AWESOME.

Got a link to an example?

Sure, sure.

Run the proxy with

  sudo -u nobody node rotating-proxy.js
It will start listening on your local machine. If you want to filter all output on your computer through this proxy, try an iptables redirect:

  iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080 -m owner '!' --uid-owner nobody
If you want to do it on the router for a network of machines, the trick is to redirect all HTTP traffic through a dedicated box running the proxy. Pretend this machine is

First, ensure that that machine's traffic gets through normally and isn't redirected to itself:

  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -j ACCEPT
Then, redirect all HTTP traffic on your network (say, through that machine:

  iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination=
Finally, ensure that your packets get back to the source with a masquerade:

  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 8080 -j MASQUERADE
Here's what it looks like. http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/4035/april1.png

Why was this downvoted? I'm not a developer, is there some kind of humour I've missed here?

It wasn't me but occasionally the mouse slips and hits the wrong button. It could also just be trolls.

Or it could be the "AWESOME" part... Still, I'd love to see a link too.

Apparently you can't just run the script with node and point your browser's http proxy to 8080. I suppose transparent proxy and http proxies act differently?

Just kidding! Follow the instructions in the script, and it works on localhost just fine. :-)

Here at Grooveshark, we've harnessed the power of HTML5™ to provide you with a full 3D experience...


If you have a paid account, it won't change your theme automatically though. You should get a notification in the corner to turn it on.

Yeah, I saw this last night. I'm not a subscriber anymore and it was really annoying and I was confused. I didn't even think of April Fools though. Good one.

We're also auto-suggesting Justin Bieber no matter what users type in to the search bar. :)

You got me there I got to be honest. It took me a while to realize it's April Fools' :).

'Indian Tata Group and Chinese Government to buy Facebook for $770 billion' by John C. Dvorak http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2382933,00.asp

xkcd is 3D: http://xkcd.com/

Randall is accepting user-submitted 3D versions of each comic: http://xkcd.com/xk3d/

Unfortunately, it looks like there is no title text for 3D comics yet.

You can also disable the 3d with the link http://xkcd.com/880/#flat

It is in the noscript tag, Opera shows it

As does Chrome.

as does Firefox.

I created a bash-like shell with C++ syntax. It saves a lot of typing, and it's only 412,011 lines of template-heavy code, so it's easy to extend:


Search for Helvetica on Google: https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=helvetica

Searching for "Comic Sans MS" has the same effect.

But it isn't nearly so funny as Googling Helvetica. Most Helvetica-lovers are Comic Sans haters...

I don't get it. What is this supposed to do? Is it supposed to style the page with the Helvetica font?

If this is the joke, I guess it doesn't work for me since this font is not available on my machine (using Ubuntu). Or is it something else I'm missing?

Edit: seems like I wasn't far from the truth: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google%27s_hoaxes#Search http://www.google.com/landing/csfe/

This reminded me of the recently launched http://whichfontshouldiuse.com/ ;)

I've never played StarCraft but I would totally play that. That actually looked like a lot of fun. Make it happen Blizzard!

Adblock releases Adblock Freedom - augmented reality eyewear that detects and removes ads from the world in realtime. http://chromeadblock.com/freedom/

I read that as "Adblock Freemium", i.e. Ad-supported ad-blocking.

that would be a pretty cool idea

But how would it work?

Hm, some basic AR eyewear + UnLogo software https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/816924031/unlogo-the-co... (still looks pretty rough, but it's a start) could actually do that.

Just watched the kickstarter video but with my headphones pluggeded into 'The Prodigy: Fighter Beat' by accident. It made their video very cool. Sorry for the lack of value - I just wanted to share.

Yeah, I was so happy to see it because I've been thinking about this exact thing for quite a long while. I like the idea of replacing all ads with random images from my photo albums.

I would be so much happier. One day.

http://add-art.org add-on that uses that sort of idea :)

If I wasn't so scared of being tarred and feathered by the anti-fools brigade, I'd submit this self-post for April Fools:

    DAE think Hacker News is turning into Reddit?

Is it just me or is none of this stuff any funny?

No, it's not just you. I despise this crap. I particularly hate the way /. always became "nothing but AFD jokes" on April 1, and I really, really hope the HN crowd never jumps on that particular bandwagon.

Oh geez. You just brought back memories of the "OMG Ponies!" theme from years ago. That was completely ridiculous.


I'm pretty sure that was the day I broke my /. addiction. I'd largely suppressed that memory, thanks for bringing it back. :-(

Well, I think theming is pretty funny in small doses. It's the actual complete lack of news that I can't stand. It's basically Internet Shutdown Day.

Funny's in the eye of the beholder, I guess. I found it hilarious.

I do enjoy April Fool's, but it is probably for the best that it stays in this topic here.

As I've said before, you can go anywhere on the internet for humor, but intelligent discussion is harder to find.

Anyway, back to seeing what ridiculous things the internet is up to today.

With any luck, this post can act as flypaper to attract all related discussion etc., thereby preventing pollution spreading.

There are many different kinds of humor spread over the world - starting from creative deviations from the (perceived) norm, up to classical jokes.

I'm pretty sure anyone will find some stuff he likes, and lots of other stuff he doesn't account to be funny.

With a little more tolerance, appreciating all those different types of humor will become a fun in itself, even when most of it doesn't suit your personal taste.

Creativity, not mere laughing, is the key ingredient for humor.

Well, the DNF header is funny. The rest, not so much.

But let's not fool ourselves, wait until the end of the day.

Yeah, the DNF one is pretty amusing. But only because it reacts to the lameness.

Wolfram|Alpha have changed their name: http://blog.wolframalpha.com/2011/04/01/wolframalpha-changes...

Now it's: http://www.wolframalpha.com/bieberbeta.html

WolframAlpa|Beta would have been funnier in my opinion. This just feels like my dad trying to be hip.

Or Wolfram|Alpo, the most mathematical-based resource for puppy owners everywhere.

GMail Motion - Use your body to control your inbox: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html

we'll laugh now but eventually it might happen haha


I wish it worked though. Someday, perhaps, with a Kinect and free time :(

Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding admit that Erlang VM was just a dodgy clone of the JVM (video)


atlassian gets into mobile gaming


Love the quotes:

"Cease and Desist" - Rovio

haha nice catch! I didn't notice it the first time around.

and the first, spotify closes its EU service in order to launch in the US


Cydia adds a dickbar to help users discover popular packages: http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=14540

> If you don't see the Quick Bar it will appear once your device's date changes to April 1st, 2011, April Fools Day.

That wasn't very subtle :(

Ha! rtm, one of the YC partners, is mentioned in the "Did you know" section.

What is hilarious?

Read "Today's featured article", the "Did you know..." part, and "Today's featured picture".

Here is a screenshot of the page, in case you don't see the same / for future viewers: http://i.imgur.com/nGHhQ.png

The "today's featured article" bit is probably not a joke. 18th century london was actually like that.

Cheezburger Network acquires Charlie Stross' blog: http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2011/04/administ...

I wonder how many cofounders will get fake YC interview acceptances from their partners =P

Narwhal in London according to Google Maps! http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&...

Voting things up on http://www.StackOverflow.com seems to display colorful dancing unicorns now.

=) Guess this is the day to post stuff to SO

Funnily enough, I have been seeing people being more generous with upvotes.

Ryanair introduces "child-free" flights (if only it were true) http://www.ryanair.com/en/news/child-free-flights-from-octob...

Oh, so the 1994 look of their website wasn't the joke?

Not an April Fools' Joke: Microsoft complains to EU about Google's (alleged) anti-competitive behaviour.


Apache gets paid 3.141592654 cents for each Google +1 click because of their "+1 patent"


http://pinboard.in is now a Yahoo! product.

Before I realised, the "from Yahoo!" image (top left) stopped me in my tracks.

LinkedIn's "People you may know" section is now filled with historical figures and fictional characters, all of which have pretty elaborate profiles.


For historical interest, an all-time classic from the BBC:


Would have been even more awesome if the BBC reported on a very poor harvest the next year, due to an inevitable crop pest: the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

You'd need the FSM + a time machine, given that the "spaghetti harvest" gag was pulled in 1957.

Air New Zealand have introduced "pay what you weigh"


Is fair pricing such an obscure concept that this is a credible April Fool's joke? Why shouldn't people get discounts for losing weight and saving the airline fuel expenses? Is there a implicit moral norm that those who consume less should subsidize those who consume more ("to each according to his need"), or is mentioning an awkward truth like "heavy people take more energy to lift" a social taboo, or do people just avoid thinking about this entirely?

I assume this would be illegal discrimination from a private New Zealand company, even though it's dandy for the NZ government:


Yes, but what is the marginal difference in fuel costs based on people's weight? I'm guessing it's dwarfed by the subsidization of empty seats.

Fair pay for the costs you incur is a great concept. Unfortunately it usually means charging tens-of-dollars (or more) for pennies difference in cost.

See charging for bandwidth use, etc.

edit: removed snark

I doubt that a few dozen pounds is significant relative to the weight of the aircraft.

Probably not. But the airlines charge as though it is when you're over the baggage weight limit.

I believe that is more to do with baggage handler's unions and worker regulation. Though they certainly exaggerate it to make a profit.

  Sorry, my bad ... It was Carl, he's new. 

  This was an April Fools prank, thanks for all the fun
  feedback. Glad that we could give (most of) you a
  laugh. Have a great weekend! 
sigh political correctness sucks.

Are fatties covered by PC now? I thought that was the only group you could legitimately slag off?

Hey guys, My goal since 2004 has been to keep a list of all AFD jokes on the web in one place. Check it out if you like. Have 66 there so far this year :) Feel free to submit any ones from THIS year to the site as well.


Security Advisory SMB-1985-0001: Plumber Injection Attack in Bowser’s Castle:


Twilio releases long-awaited carrier pigeon API: http://www.twilio.com/pigeons

This reminds me of Google PigeonRank :)

Finally, a service that supports RFC 1149. Will it work on IPv6 per RFC 6214, though?

Twilio's API now returns responses in morse code. Just append .morse to the end of any Twilio REST API URL to get the morse code representation.

If you find a legitimate use for this, please let us know.

I would love to learn Morse code to use it for text messages. Not related to Twilio, but this reminded me. Maybe we could take care of two problems at once by hooking up a Morse code transcriber hooked up to a cell phone to the horn in every teenagers car :)

test-align: centaur; http://testaligncentaur.com/

not to be confused with

text-align: centaur; http://textaligncentaur.com/

http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/ drops back to CLI today, it seems.

Try various commands on their cli for some interesting feedback (e.g., vim, emacs, rm -rf).

Btw, someone downvoted a previous poster who said exactly that. The post was deleted though :-(

One of my favorite web comics got seized by the FBI: http://www.gpf-comics.com/

(I hope this one is a joke.)

(Internet Annoyance Day is even more annoying when it starts at UTC-12.)

UTC+13, even. We're still on daylight savings time in NZ

Or UTC+12?

Dave Winer's putting up a paywall on Scripting News: http://scripting.com/stories/2011/04/01/letter.html

Typo in the link: http://omgubuntu.co.uk

This is great, I love browsing the articles through the terminal.

Any YouTube video, with _CAPTIONS_ on (The CC button), to add text to your 1911 video :)


To find other videos with captions, append ",cc" to your search, like "cats, cc".

At Flick(e)r, we finally fixed the misspelling of the company name.

The AWS team has been working on the new Amazon $NAME product for over 10 months:


I love their Apple website screenshot: http://thenextweb.com/apple/files/2011/04/Apple_Vatican2a.pn... XD

"My newborn isn't crying all night. April Fools. Yes she is. Joke's on you."


Everyone stop ruining April fools by expecting it

I launched "I Read Like" http://iwl.me/read/

We put this on our menu, under "Tasks": http://erkie.github.com/ with the text "destroy system"

The employees of Germany's Foreign Ministry are getting iPads replacing their PCs and notebooks.

I guess some will wish it wasn't April 1st. :)

Google translated story: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl...

http://urbanairship.com has turned into an 8-bit working game.

Move beyond behavioral targeting: using mouse movements to read visitor’s mind http://visualwebsiteoptimizer.com/split-testing-blog/behavio...

http://www.geforce.com/ 3dfx Voodoo 5 5500


Envato unveils 3DOcean - The world's first stereoscopic anaglyph online marketplace.

Hi Everyone, I am super excited to announce the release of The Hoffington Post: http://thehoffingtonpost.com The Internet Newspaper: 100% dedicated to David Hasselhoff.

It's better than his singing. We swear.

Find a new girlfriend/boyfriend based on one you already like! http://blog.alikeplaces.com/2011/alike-places-launches-new-p...

Hacker Group Changes Millions of Passwords to "password"; Only 38% of Users Notice http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00002134.html

YouTube's "year 1911" mode ;)

I turned Hacker Newsletter (http://www.hackernewsletter.com) upside down for the day and started offering a new faxed edition for a small fee.

Affiliate rebills funding an Affiliate hang out in the Maldives



Just paste this before your body closes: <script> // Uncomment the next line if you want the prank to happen only when the url hashtag is #april // if (document.location.hash.indexOf('april') > -1) document.body.style.webkitTransform = document.body.style.MozTransform = 'rotate(' + [45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315][Math.floor(Math.random() * 7)] + 'deg)'; </script>

News about Pune's Tech Industry decline quotes Vivek Wadhwa:

http://punetech.com/punes-tech-industry-to-decline-40-by-202... .

Wadhwa on twitter confirms it is a prank: http://twitter.com/vwadhwa/status/53675195906531328

DST's Yuri Milner offers EVERY YCS11 applicant $250K.

http://zodb.ws is one of the more impressive April Fools hacks I've seen this year. It runs the ZODB, a pure Python NoSQL database that's been around for a while and originated in the Zope project, on top of CPython -- in the browser! Uses emscripten which compiles LLVM bytecode to JS. Complete with a localStorage backend for ZODB.

indeed, kick-ass

Duke Nukem Forever has been delayed until Mid 2012.

Reverse April Fool!

One Kings Lane launches OKL Farms - The only breeders of the Mini Lap Elephant.


Meet the world's first 3D monocle: http://us.toshiba.com/spectacle

At Pinterest we turned stuff upside down: http://pinterest.com/

Here's ours: Braintree's New Mobile App Green Allows You to Pay with Cash From Your Phone http://www.braintreepaymentsolutions.com/blog/braintrees-new...

Milkyway@Home on iPhone / iOS. The small tests that run on my desktop in about 10 seconds take 20 minutes on my iphone 3g, and drain the battery about 8%.


Thanks to the coming Canadian election Demeure was able to add a special rental property. http://demeure.com/special-offers/sussex. Come and stay in the former Prime Minister's house for only $3000/night!

Our small contribution to the genre: http://thisorthat.com/blog/breaking-scrappr-picks-up-410001-... Breaking News: Scrapper Gobbles Up $41.000001 Million Investment

Twingly and TV4+ Haunted House launches Blog Platform for Ghost Writers and Social Mediums


We switched the colors on the cards in our solitaire games (http://greenfelt.net/freecell). It's a subtle effect that just makes things look weird without you being able to identify what is wrong, at first.

“What’s new in htty v1.3.4: Rails view emulation — PUT and DELETE are sent as POST requests with form data of ‘_method=put’ or ‘_method=delete’.”


At Sporcle, they've added a 'Boss!' button. Now when you're playing games on their site at work and the boss comes around, just click the boss button and something else will pop up in the window!


The Threat to Book Publishing From Long-Dead Authors, and a Solution http://go-to-hellman.blogspot.com/2011/04/threat-to-book-pub...

@TPB wins auction for site eBay.com, merge is planned: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2395035 http://bit.ly/frcgu8

If you use Harvest for time tracking, they have a nice, simple gag today: The usual nameplate link in the bottom right has changed to "HARVESTVS • SINCE MMVI" and clicking on it will change all of your time entries to Roman numerals.

"I'm feeling yucky" button


also, we ported our site to lolcode



I'd been waiting all day for this to happen to me. It took until 4:20 PM.

Eric Lippert introduces some new features in C#:


In a bid on Auction site eBay, for the site of eBay.com itself, The Pirate Bay has come out as the official winner: http://thepiratebay.org/blog/189.

Someone at work actually tried to enter her card details!


GNOME 3.0 Rescheduled for September 2011 Release


We're having some reverse packet switching issues on Snapfinch, seems to be causing images to display upside down: http://snapfinch.com


Not one upvote yet :( I'm suprised nobody has submitted that URL yet.

An adaptation of RFC 1149 (IP over Avian Carriers) for IPv6: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6214

New RFC. Regional Broadcast Using an Atmospheric Link Layer http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6217

(in German) Netbook review: Compaq Aero 4/33C http://www.golem.de/1104/82381.html

Trade in your used Flash games on Kongregate

oh... that wasn't serious? Guess I missed the April 1 date on it.


Kinda subtle.. check the title..

Haha. Check out http://libsxe.org

Head over to LinkedIn and see who "you might know you"...

omgubuntu has encountered an error or many :) http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk

From 2006...

Is this an Aprils fools joke? If yes it should be submitted under itself.

Hulu 1995 throwback complete with <table> based layout.


Sweet I can stream Sliders from Hulu! Though I'll probably have to download RealPlayer...

Speaking of table based layout - ever checked what HN uses?

Love this one. Best part is the hidden dialup sound and <blink> tags.

It's the slow-loading, grainy pictures that really take me back.

and the marquee and frames based website :) Be sure to scroll to the bottom, where there are a geocities affiliate button, the omni present (at the time) under construction gif, guestbook, netscape and ie 3 buttons, and green-led counter.

Back in the day I had the very same last three on my angelfire and then geocities websites... Ahhh, the memories.

IDG has a story about mozilla recalling firefox 4 because of serious bug. Every user should return their version using an online upload form or by sending a usb-stick by mail.


http://FeeFighters.com raised $41 million, bought the rock band FooFighters, rebranded as http://FoeFighters.com, and is having a contest to see which Foe they should fight.

Please vote! it's good for humanity!

Jason Calacanis sold Mahalo to MS Bing

how about: Jason Calcanis sold Mahalo to AOL

no you misspelled it its Calacanis

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