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Show HN: A service for monitoring your domain (domainproactive.com)
4 points by mcculley on July 22, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

The tests/checks seem useful. Good job with that.

But I tried to check a subdomain and that did not work. It generated a report for the main domain instead.

I think you need to work on the overall style of the site. A clean design and a sans-serif font would improve the whole site a lot. Currently it looks unprofessional to me and not like something i would want to pay for.

I very much appreciate the feedback!

When you say you tried to check a subdomain, do you mean a subdomain with hosts beneath it or do you just mean a hostname? The code does a check that a name entered is a subdomain with an NS record. It is not intended for hostnames. (My target customer is a business owner who just wants to ensure his domain is configured correctly. [I think.])

Please feel free to contact me directly at mcculley@stackframe.com if you are interested in discussing further.

Developer here. I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

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