People who sign up for both, and the Highrise CRM tool (GP's software), are very likely professional spammers, looking for whatever bulk-emailing software they can get.
There's no negative consequence to just signing up for TrickAJournalist; only a negative consequence for attempting to sign up for Highrise while already having signed up for TrickAJournalist.
Someone who just literally wants to "trick a journalist", once, might sign up for TrickAJournalist; but such a person has no reason to also to use that same email address to sign up for the B2B CRM software Highrise.
Someone who wants to send knowingly-spammy bulk emails while purposefully dodging spam filters, would sign up for TrickAJournalist (which claims to be exactly for that); and also would sign up for Highrise, since it has bulk emailing capabilities and likely also has positive spam-filter cachet from all the legitimate uses other companies put it to.
Thanks, this clears some things for me. I guess trick a journalist was mostly geared towards spammers.
As an aside, the main reason I didnt follow these links and find out for myself is because this is in part satire but mostly a marketing scheme to advertise Highrise. Sorry, I dislike these sort of tricks, it makes me feel manipulated. And I prefer not to add my traffic to such endeavours.
And come on, spam is hardly an unnoticed issue which one meeds to raise awareness for.
"spam is hardly an unnoticed issue which one meeds to raise awareness for" - I thought so too. Until I tried to run a bulk email service. We had a countless number of people, good people, sending spam, not realizing it's spam. There's a ton of awareness that needs to be raised to email senders what spam is. There's also awareness that needs to be brought to the attention of developers creating email tools. They will be and might already be misused in ways you are probably not protecting for today. During this phase I also saw some very elite developers (not on Highrise) go through some "we've been hit by spammers and we never predicted they'd use our tool to do this". I could go on an on how we should still be educating ourselves on how to fight this and what I learned even being an experienced operator.
> There's a ton of awareness that needs to be raised to email senders what spam is.
Someone should create something like Grammarly or Medium's community-editor feature, for email campaigns. "Before you hit send, get a first impression on your campaign from 10 random beta readers from our community." Then give the beta-readers a prominent "this looks like spam" button to press.
Probably it wouldn't give any different of a response than a regular spam filter; but I imagine that most ad people will think of "it went into the spam filter" as a technical problem, rather than a problem with their messaging. Whereas, if real humans tell them the campaign looks like spam, maybe they'd listen.
That's a super interesting idea. There's a ton of community incentive to participate too since everyone's sharing this IP reputation. On the biz side, policing this sucked. Ate up a ton of support time analyzing the email being sent, freshness of the contact uploaded, etc. Not to mention the fights with customers about buying lists, getting optins, etc. This might just be a really great intermediary. Cool thought.
There's no negative consequence to just signing up for TrickAJournalist; only a negative consequence for attempting to sign up for Highrise while already having signed up for TrickAJournalist.
Someone who just literally wants to "trick a journalist", once, might sign up for TrickAJournalist; but such a person has no reason to also to use that same email address to sign up for the B2B CRM software Highrise.
Someone who wants to send knowingly-spammy bulk emails while purposefully dodging spam filters, would sign up for TrickAJournalist (which claims to be exactly for that); and also would sign up for Highrise, since it has bulk emailing capabilities and likely also has positive spam-filter cachet from all the legitimate uses other companies put it to.