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Ask HN: Monetizing game websites?
9 points by joshu on March 31, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
So I just took over hosting a family member's website -- a wiki for a smallish online game. After migration, I am able to access the logs and I discover they are getting 50-100k hits/day.

Is this sort of traffic worth monetizing? If so, how?

Sure is - what type of online game? If you want an affiliate (CPA) partnership with a skill gaming community, we can get a campaign rolling if the demographics are a fit.

Champions Online. I have no idea what kind of game that is. I play different stuff.

Hmm, wait first a question - are they getting 100k hits per day or are they getting 100k visitors/uniques per day :P

no, the uniques is much lower, sorry.

  $ wc -l 20110330-access.log
  254162 20110330-access.log
  $ awk '{print $1}' 20110330-access.log | uniq | sort | uniq -c | wc -l

Use ads on your website, like Google AdSense and it will pay off.

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