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> The VCs are your "bosses" as you answer to them (though much less than a regular "boss") and to the ones you hope to raise capital from in the future.

Isn't this based solely on the equity makeup? If an investor only has 10%, but me and my co-founder share 90% then what absolute power does the investor really have?

Investors' job does not stop with giving the money. Very often, on the contrary, they are the people who will help you with connections to next round investors, will help with IPO, etc. They will not do any of this if you don't do what they want :)

yeah i get that, that sounds more like a "partnership", though. I was mostly talking about the "boss" verbiage.

An investor is only a boss if they have more equity or voting rights, correct?

It's partnership when things go as intended, it's "boss" when there are problems. Just make sure there are no problems ;)

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