Certainly doesn't, but I've come to very much appreciate my TS100's brains. And accelerometer.
Being able to idle back when it hasn't moved in a while, but recover quickly when I pick it up, used to require magnets and a reed switch in the holder. But the TS100 can do it in any holder, simply by looking for movement in its accelerometer.
Being able to turn itself the rest of the way off after a longer period seems a nice safety measure.
Pushbutton temperature adjustment isn't perhaps as simple as a knob, but the realtime display of tip temperature is awfully nice to know how long it takes my commands to have an effect.
And, since it can sense the input voltage, some firmwares have automatic shutdown for various lithium cell voltages, in case you're driving it directly from a battery pack like many R/C hobbyists do in the field. I've never met another portable iron with that feature.
Is it excessive for a basic desk iron? Yeah, probably. But it's amazing as portable go-anywhere iron, which is also capable enough to replace my desk iron. I'm a fan.
Being able to idle back when it hasn't moved in a while, but recover quickly when I pick it up, used to require magnets and a reed switch in the holder. But the TS100 can do it in any holder, simply by looking for movement in its accelerometer.
Being able to turn itself the rest of the way off after a longer period seems a nice safety measure.
Pushbutton temperature adjustment isn't perhaps as simple as a knob, but the realtime display of tip temperature is awfully nice to know how long it takes my commands to have an effect.
And, since it can sense the input voltage, some firmwares have automatic shutdown for various lithium cell voltages, in case you're driving it directly from a battery pack like many R/C hobbyists do in the field. I've never met another portable iron with that feature.
Is it excessive for a basic desk iron? Yeah, probably. But it's amazing as portable go-anywhere iron, which is also capable enough to replace my desk iron. I'm a fan.