> Instead of the beautiful simplicity based on UNIX philosophy, modern devops feels like a mishmash of ideas plopped together, tied with a bunch of yaml tape
So... it's simpler tools tied together? Are you arguing that simple tools must instead stay apart? Is the developer supposed to build their thing invoking each basic tool one-by-one? Maybe makefiles and shell scripts should also be verboten, then?
> we need to throw away everything and start from scratch
Wait a minute, this part is even funnier. So Docker allows you to build your quasi-VMs using all those Unix tools, by talking to Linux that's been put inside your Linux. But apparently this is not what you meant by ‘Unix philosophy’ and it all should be thrown away. Huh.
So... it's simpler tools tied together? Are you arguing that simple tools must instead stay apart? Is the developer supposed to build their thing invoking each basic tool one-by-one? Maybe makefiles and shell scripts should also be verboten, then?