Hi, I'm the author. Thanks for taking a look. This is basically a tool to help manage a "Dockerfile" repo (along the lines of https://github.com/jessfraz/dockerfiles), where you build any tools you want into images that you control. This can be really useful for personal use or within a company.
Why build tools into Docker images? Love it or hate it, there are many senses in which Docker is currently the best medium that we have for distributing and running dev tools. Here's an article making that argument: https://jonathan.bergknoff.com/journal/run-more-stuff-in-doc....
Why build tools into Docker images? Love it or hate it, there are many senses in which Docker is currently the best medium that we have for distributing and running dev tools. Here's an article making that argument: https://jonathan.bergknoff.com/journal/run-more-stuff-in-doc....