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I'm just going to go out on a limb here and assume you're a product manager for atlassian.

You nailed it. That is probably the most likely correct conclusion. I mean, it almost must be that way. I do not know of any other "service" (more like disservice really), with so many products, which fails so terribly to get to a minimum standard in usability and page speed. Even the login in Atlassian is f'ed up, and you cannot login with sane ad blocking. I have to create a separate browser profile and start FF with profile manager each time, so that I can choose, all just to keep the Atlassian infection at bay.

I don't know, I find the MS/live/hotmail/office.com/outlook login thingy quite entertaining (will it hop from more servers than the standard ttl TCP packet value ?) ^^

> standard ttl TCP packet value

Nit: TCP doesn't handle TTL, IP does.

To be fair, this is a blight that infects all b2b/enterprise platforms. The devs and PMs don't care about speed because they aren't punished for being slow. They don't value speed as a feature because they don't have to and don't lose customers because of slowness.

These deals are made by people who don't use the software because they passed some checklist of features and security audits, not because they are good.

Consumer websites, blogs, and especially eCommerce websites can't get away with that without losing users almost instantly.

The moral of the story is that if you are already a big, wealthy company with a big reputation, you can afford to be shit. If you aren't, you're making a big mistake with 3-4 sec load times.

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