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This is a bit off topic, to put it lightly, but seriously, please read your comment again and reconsider how you talk to and about people. It is clear you have supremacist disdain for the creator out of a self-generated sense of superiority, but reality is that it is something you can or cannot use, so just ignore it if you don't like it. Maybe, if you are so much better, you could even provide some mentorship or guidance by providing constructive, i.e., useful, criticism; if it is warranted. But try to maybe address why you are the way you are instead of trying to degrade others as you externalize your issues.

I believe you should be able to say what you said and it should not be removed or even lashed with downvotes by the archetypal rabid reddit type mob, but I hope you really consider your words.

Even if you are correct on the face of it being just another one of those horrible bootcamper, why would you want to lash at someone who is trying to do things, who maybe didn't have the opportunities you had, or is just trying to improve and get feedback. Not everyone is as perfect as you.

With that; let's see your framework that is perfect and far better than Shoelace.

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