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Yeah, but you still have plenty of people popping out 5+ kids and at a young age (smaller generation gap).

I am not saying this is true across the board, but my anecdotal experiences have been that the people who have more than 3 kids are not able to support them without government support programs (some exceptions like the Amish). I don't see any disincentives to having more kids if you know that support will be provided. Governments also promote having children via tax credits and even monthly payments for raising a kid (Norway or Sweden I think). That's not counting the needs-based assistance. It's all because the economy suffers if the population shrinks or stagnates.

Of course we can't just stop the needs-based payments and neglect the kids, but I would love to see the tax credits disappear and maybe require some kind of long lasting birth control as a requirement to assistance if they already have the replacement rate number of children (2) to ensure we aren't adding to the issue.

I have one kid and I don't think I want anymore. I see a very bleak future for the next generation.

Looks like I was wrong. I just happened to stumble on this.


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