This is such a strange post. Mr. Graham speaks in vague generalities, then finally hones in on a specific idea seemingly out of the blue:
> For example, how can it be that a large number of reasonable, intelligent people worry about something they call "cancel culture," while other reasonable, intelligent people deny that it's a problem?
Why “cancel culture” when there’s any number of issues this is equally true for? Why is it only “reasonably intelligent people” oppose it in this example.
This post just seems intellectually lazy. Making sweeping generalizations and then throwing in some appeal to popularity is not a well made point.
> For example, how can it be that a large number of reasonable, intelligent people worry about something they call "cancel culture," while other reasonable, intelligent people deny that it's a problem?
Why “cancel culture” when there’s any number of issues this is equally true for? Why is it only “reasonably intelligent people” oppose it in this example.
This post just seems intellectually lazy. Making sweeping generalizations and then throwing in some appeal to popularity is not a well made point.