> HTTP/2 a.k.a. SPDY is a comically bloated Layer 4/5/7 mega-combo protocol designed to replace HTTP. It takes something simple and (most importantly!) comprehensible and debuggable for junior programmers and replaces it with an insanely over-complicated system that requires tens of thousands of lines of code to implement the most minimal version of, but which slightly reduces page load time and server costs once you reach the point of doing millions of requests per second. I am filled WITH RAGE just thinking about how we took a fundamental part of the Internet, simple enough that anyone can implement an HTTP server, and replaced it with this garbage protocol pushed by big megacorps that doesn't solve any real problems but will completely cut out future generations from system programming for the web
This resonates with me, and I'd like to add HTTP/2 can only bring advantages if you actually go all the way to push/bundle resources into responses and have a strategy/priority when to push eagerly vs serve lazily; I'm even much more worried about upcoming QUIC (and DoH) because there's no impl in sight.
> HTTP/2 can only bring advantages if you actually go all the way to push/bundle resources into responses
Compared to well-optimized HTTP/1 (e.g. using minified CSS and sprite-sheets), sure. Compared to most HTTP/1 deployments, though: no. HTTP/2 gives you tons of advantages "for free" that you need build-time processes to attain in HTTP/1. With HTTP/2, you can do "the naive thing" that'd you'd have done on the 1995 Web in Notepad, and it'll be the optimal thing.
Also, HTTP/2 means less OS packet-switching overhead server-side if you have ancillary connections (e.g. websockets) open against the host, since those also get muxed into the same carrier socket.
Also, mobile clients wake up less, because there's only one TCP socket to do idle-keepalive on.
HTTP/2 also means that TCP's Nagling has more to work with, and so is less likely to end up needing to waste bandwidth on emitting many undersized packets—it can just pack N short requests into the same TCP jumbo frame, since they're all going to the same place.
I would also point out an indirect "advantage": HTTP/2 makes it cheaper to serve ads proxied through the first-party host (as HTTP/2 flows) than for the client to hit the third-party ad servers directly. People can still block the ads/trackers either way, but served inline to the origin like this, the people who don't block ads, will get a better experience.
it shoves everything down a single TCP connection. This means that if you loose a packet (and 4g is lossy) it stalls the _entire_ queue.
Instead of addressing the main complaint (that multiplexing everything down a single TCP connection is a fundamentally stupid idea) they come up with an entirely _new_ protocol.
It also fails to understand what HTTP2 has turned into: a file transport protocol, with some RPC built in.
So, instead of optimising for file transfer, a control layer, and a communication/serialisation layer, they came up with a horrid mush that is http3. (or the googlenet)
To be clear, it's not like there are any HTTP/2-only servers in the world. HTTP/2 is something a client connection upgrades to. One might think of HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 not precisely as versions of HTTP, but rather as variants—HTTP/2 is "optimized binary HTTP, fixed-station profile" and HTTP/3 is "optimized binary HTTP, mobile-station profile."
(Mind you, they are versions relative to each-other, because HTTP/3 is strictly better at doing what HTTP/2 does than HTTP/2 is, so there's no reason to use HTTP/2 if you have HTTP/3.)
But as I was saying: nobody forces mobile devices to use HTTP/2; and by-and-large, they don't. HTTP/1.1 still has its use-cases; neither HTTP/2 nor HTTP/3 was designed to obviate HTTP/1.1's entire set of use-cases.
You know how SSH has sub-protocols, e.g. SFTP? HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 are to HTTP/1.1, as SFTP is to SSH. It's a mode you can put the connection into, that will optimize it for a certain profile of use-cases. No more, no less.
(You know what else is a mode you can put HTTP/1.1 into? Websockets! Again, a complementary use-case.)
> So, instead of optimising for file transfer, a control layer, and a communication/serialisation layer, they came up with a horrid mush that is http3. (or the googlenet)
If you think you're so smart, write an RFC (or even just, build a reference server) that's competitive in production performance for its use-cases over similar links.
There comes a point when explicit OSI-style encapsulating layering becomes an active hindrance; and for the use-case of "a server serving a million concurrent requests"—the FAANG-scale problem—they passed that point long ago.
Yes, we mere mortal client users and backend developers might not find such use-cases relevant; but take the perspective of e.g. an internet backbone ops engineer. By volume, most of the traffic going around the Internet goes to these sites. Optimizing just the traffic going to these sites—with a special protocol clients only use when speaking to these sites—makes the whole Internet faster, by reducing in size the huge blob of bandwidth-contention the requests to these few sites create.
Also, a design hint, if you actually want to try to build something competitive to HTTP/3: most of the problem being solved by HTTP/3 is that certain things are known to be optimal, but despite that, nobody can just force their corporate overlords to mandate a switch to those things right away. So HTTP/3 needs to be optimized for the case where you do the most fundamentally-performant things (e.g. using zero-copy binary serialization protocols like Capn Proto from a process with direct userland Ethernet access); and also for the cases where you do less fundamentally-performant things (like generating and streaming a JSONL or CSV stream line-by-line as the output rows gets computed by an in-process dataflow engine.) One might call HTTP/3 an arbitrary custom protocol, that happens to have semantics such that it can be downgraded to HTTP/1.1 by a link-to-link proxy. And that is a hard constraint to optimize under.
> HTTP/2 is something a client connection upgrades to.
to which I as a normal person on a normal phone has no control.
> Also, a design hint, if you actually want to try to build something competitive to HTTP/3
I'd need to control a major browser's code base.
Lets get one thing clear, HTTP is, has never been and almost never will be efficient. The entire HTML/JS/HTTP web is never going to be efficient. If the web was a meritocracy based on protocols, HTTP would have died a death at CERN.
> perspective of e.g. an internet backbone ops engineer.
They'd terminate the connection as close to the client as possible and palm it off to the local FAANG pop and make it someone else's problem. That and adding pop's for porn hub and torrent filters will knock out >70% of your precovid interconnect traffic.
> If you think you're so smart, write an RFC
I already work for a FAANG during the day, I'm not going to put free hours in at night. And I'm certainly not going to get involved in cross company politics.
> a point when explicit OSI-style encapsulating layering
OSI has never been correct, its a fib told to students to make them think there is any kind of order past tcp/udp. I'm talking about not putting control signals in the same TCP connection that you are shoving tonnes of data down. That's never going to scale past 70-100ms. yes its very neat, but
> zero-copy binary serialization protocols like Capn Proto from a process with direct userland Ethernet access
from the protocol level, its not actually that much different, unless you are doing some sort of multiplexing down a single TCP pipe.... now, if you trying to balance throughput and latency on the same connection, thats can be really tricky. An answer is not to use the same connection. You do what FASP does which is use UDP for bulk and TCP for control/accounting.
> like generating and streaming a JSONL
you can easily use TCP at one packet a minute, or maxing out a 10 gig link. (I know, I've written a FASP replacement.)
> semantics such that it can be downgraded to HTTP/1.1
you can downgrade 10gig-t to 10m/s that has no bearing on its performance, unless you terminate it badly. Its just a preamble, then for the life of the connection, an utter irrelevance.
> you can downgrade 10gig-t to 10m/s that has no bearing on its performance, unless you terminate it badly. Its just a preamble, then for the life of the connection, an utter irrelevance.
You misinterpreted "downgrade" here (though maybe I chose a bad word for this.) I didn't mean that the proxy itself can force both sides to speak HTTP/1.1 to it. I meant that a proxy can be speaking HTTP/{2,3} to one side, while speaking HTTP/1.1 to the other, by translating ("downgrading") HTTP/{2,3} messages into their equivalent HTTP/1.1 messages. This is the reason that HTTP/{2,3} are HTTP in a real sense: the messages that flow over them still interoperate with the rest of the HTTP ecosystem, through bilingual gateways. The messages are a different bijective encoding of the same HTTP application-layer message-flow semantics.
(Nginx, by default, is such a gateway: it speaks HTTP/2 to clients if they offer, but speaks HTTP/1.1 to upstream backends even if they know how to speak HTTP/2. This is because HTTP/2 is useful to carry flows over the Internet, but has few advantages within a low-contention low-packet-loss LAN.)
This also has other implications, like the fact that browsers and caching proxies don't need to change the way they store cached HTTP resources, just because the resources come in over HTTP/{2,3}. They can just transcribe the messages to disk as if they had been the equivalent HTTP/1.1 messages.
> Lets get one thing clear, HTTP is, has never been and almost never will be efficient. The entire HTML/JS/HTTP web is never going to be efficient. If the web was a meritocracy based on protocols, HTTP would have died a death at CERN.
The point is to take a stupid thing that people will keep on doing no matter what (for better or for worse), and help them to do it as fast (or as un-slow) as possible, without trying to make it non-stupid in the process (because that won't be the same thing any more, and so people won't use your smart thing, but will continue doing the stupid thing.)
You know Formula 1 racing? In F1, there are rules against doing most things that could make cars go fast. The point of the competition is to make the cars go fast anyway, without breaking those rules. If you make the car go as fast as it can, it's not an F1 car any more. To win, you've gotta make the fastest F1 car, not the fastest car.
That's HTTP/{2,3}: the cars are the flows, and the rules are HTTP's must-be-all-things-to-all-people semantics and manifold optimized-for usecases. The goal of adding HTTP extensions/versions/etc. is to make your server (or client) talk to clients (or servers) as efficiently as possible, without breaking any random peer from 1996 speaking to you through a bilingual gateway. If you did break those peers, you might have the fastest protocol, but you wouldn't have the fastest HTTP protocol.
> They'd terminate the connection as close to the client as possible and palm it off to the local FAANG pop and make it someone else's problem. That and adding pop's for porn hub and torrent filters will knock out >70% of your precovid interconnect traffic.
That's an infinite regress, as the people who you're handing the problem off to are also Internet backbone engineers. If your company owns 30% of the Internet's traffic, your leaf-node AS is part of the backbone, and that AS's problems are the Internet backbone's problems. Just like the major universities were part of the backbone until ~1990.
Though, keep in mind, this isn't about fancy application-layer-aware routing or anything. HTTP/{2,3} have bandwidth savings, and that savings is passed directly onto the Internet backbone those messages travel along, in the form of more headroom for other stuff. It's not about needing to pay peering fees; it's about e.g. packing more clients per head-end fibre switch for an ISP. Or, to put that another way: it's about making more money out of the same aggregate delivered traffic volume, by having that volume represent more customers.
That's why the carriers are interested in participating in the development of these protocols: not because they need to do anything with them in their operational lifetime, but because the effects of the choices made by the HTTPWG have the potential to ripple out and create huge (e.g. 10+%) reductions in their aggregate traffic load (which they can then re-oversell); and they want to do what they can to argue for whatever designs best make this happen.
It took me a bit to understand what you were saying here:
> I'm talking about not putting control signals in the same TCP connection that you are shoving tonnes of data down. That's never going to scale past 70-100ms.
...but I think I got it now. I was arguing with the wrong thing here.
Yes, there's a reason that FTP and RTP do what they do. (Though in FTP's case it had more to do with TCP-port parity gender; multiple data sockets per control socket was just a convenient outgrowth of the existing architecture.)
But crucially, HTTP/{2,3} are about accelerating existing traffic; and existing HTTP "apps" (the HTML + JS + CSS that contain an implicit dependent-resource digraph that gets turned into flow-requests by the browser) have no indication in them for what's going to be a "control-plane" request vs. a "data-plane" request. HTTP itself is an oblivious carrier re: these use-cases. So HTTP/{2,3} must continue that trend, and be oblivious carriers as well. To do otherwise would force a rewrite of all HTTP "apps" to add such indications.
However, in HTTP/1.1, you got the benefit of this purpose-isolated signalling "for free" anyway, because you'd probably be making your data requests from a CDN origin, while making control requests to an API-subdomain origin. Those are separate origins, so they got separate (keepalive, pipelined) TCP sockets.
In HTTP/{2,3}, you can choose to shove everything into one socket by putting both your control-plane and your data-plane into the same origin.
But, crucially, you don't have to. Nobody's stopping your HTTP "app" from just having separate control and data origins; and so ending up with two HTTP/{2,3} sockets open, one for control signals, the other for BLOB data.
And, of course, existing sites previously engineered for HTTP/1.1 won't shove everything into a single socket, since they've already separated the control origin from the data origin. (They've likely got several data origins, so they'll likely want to re-engineer with upstream proxying to compact those down into one data origin; but all they have to do while doing this is to choose not to also compact the control origin in there as well. The choice to not change anything is, in this case, the right choice!)
And also keep in mind that most websites aren't, like, photographer's portfolios or direct video hosts. There are few websites directly embedding same-origin BLOBs. There are many websites embedding "Binary Not-so-large OBjects", like blogs that embed same-origin 500px-wide medium-quality optimized-JPEG images. And those websites don't have such a large disparity between control signalling and data signalling that they have any need to separate them—those images aren't much larger than the average compressed-JSON XHR response!
And because of that, the "default" advice for HTTP/{2,3} transitioning (that you should follow if you're 99% of websites) can just be "put everything on one origin"; whereas "split control signals to a different origin, thereby forcing it to a separate socket with separate TCP window scaling parameters" can just be one of those arcane PageSpeed things you learn from an infrastructure consultant, a bit like choosing what type of select(2)-alike kernel ABI your webserver should use to receive packets.)
well you do not upgrade your http/1.1 connection. http/2 works by using ALPN on TLS connections, that actually try to get the right protocol.
yeah there is h2c, which does upgrade the connection, but that only works in backend scenarios without tls.
I think if you're making this trade-off and "optimizing just the traffic going to these [big] sites—with a special protocol clients only use when speaking to these sites—makes the whole Internet faster", then I guess you shouldn't be surprised to be criticized by the majority (according to your own words) not having these problems, yet having to shoulder additional complexity for little or no benefit, and even only serving to increase asymetry on the web. Why can't the "big sites" (it's just Google who's behind QUIC anyways, isn't it?) not then create their own network and take their enormous traffic there? The web was created for easy self-publishing after all.
> yet having to shoulder additional complexity for little or no benefit
They don't, though? HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 are voluntary to all parties concerned; whether you're a client, a server, or a gateway, if you don't speak those protocols but choose to just speak HTTP/1.1, then it's the peer that has to cope with that, not you.
(There isn't even any fancy forward-compatibility needed in TLS to support the semantics of the ALPN extension. If you just use an old TLS library that ignores the unknown extension data in the TLS stream, the other side will continue on assuming you didn't understand the question, and therefore aren't an HTTP/{2,3} server.)
HTTP/{2,3} are like a local language of a culture, spoken by immigrants when they run into other immigrants from the same culture. If either party is not an immigrant from that culture, it just doesn't come up.
> Why can't the "big sites" not then create their own network and take their enormous traffic there?
That's called circuit switching (i.e. the thing telco and cable services do that's not the Internet), and it's the thing the packet-switched Internet effectively obsoleted. From an Internet engineer's perspective, if you have two data streams, it's strictly better engineering to just feed them into a switch that linearizes those packets onto a high-bandwidth line "as they come" (and upgrade the bandwidth of the switch+line as needed, so that no signal is ever starved of line-time), than to try to time-divide or frequency-divide the pipe; let alone to keep those packets isolated on two separate networks of pipes. Then you'd need to maintain two networks of pipes! (And the people working at FAANG are still fundamentally Internet engineers who believe in Internet principles, rather than telecom principles.)
But besides that, how would that network be delivered into people's homes? Unless you're proposing that these services take the form of their own additional cable going into your house/SIM in your phone, this network has to merge into the regular Internet somewhere. And it's exactly at that point when that traffic once again contends with the rest of the traffic on the Internet. Even if it's only on the last mile, it's still getting in the way.
> it's just Google who's behind QUIC anyways, isn't it?
SPDY and QUIC are the names of "prototype standards" developed by Google. HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 are standards inspired by SPDY and QUIC, developed by HTTPWG, with Google as just one participant in that conversation.
The other backers of the standard are, of course, the groups whose interests are aligned behind having more-efficient HTTP: carriers, bigcorps, switch/NAT/WAF hardware manufacturers, cellular ISPs, etc.
But I see your deeper point—you're saying that this is all Google's solution to Google's problem, so shouldn't the onus be on Google to solve every downstream problem as well?
Well, it is and it isn't. Google is solving this problem for us right now, but it's not a Google-exclusive problem. TCP was created by DARPA, but maintaining a consistent stream over packet loss/reordering is not a DARPA-specific problem. They just happened to be the first group to need a solution for that problem.
The reason HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 are public standards, rather than things going on secretly only between Google Chrome and Google's backend servers, is that other parties see value in them—not just present value to themselves, but also future value.
New big uses of internet bandwidth arise every day. Netflix started sucking up half the Internet ten years ago, and it's already dropped down to less than 15% because other even larger use-cases have eclipsed it.
HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 are engineered to allow small businesses a path to grow into the next big bandwidth-sucking businesses (i.e. things so many people find useful that the whole Internet becomes about using them) without having to solve a thousand little scaling problems in the process.
Would you rather we live in a world where TCP/IP was a proprietary thing DARPA did; any company that needs TCP/IP semantics, has to re-invent it (probably poorly)? No? Then why would you rather live in a world where any company needing HTTP/{2,3} semantics in the future has to re-invent those (probably poorly)?
I agree these things can be useful, but again none of these come out of the box (if I haven't overlooked or misunderstood something). Including "doing the naive thing"; I mean how do you expect your web server to automatically push CSS or SVG sprites/fonts unless you're relying on the server to intercept/parse your HTML for delivery-time optimizations a la PageSpeed and make heuristic scheduling decisions? Unless you're putting in the effort to optimize your payloads you will just result in as many roundtrips with HTTP/1.1 + keep-alive.
Web browsers are limited in the number of concurrent socket connections they'll open to a given origin. This matters not-at-all in HTTP/2, since everything is going over a single socket; while mattering quite a lot in HTTP/1, since dependent resources being loaded in parallel must be loaded on separate sockets. If you only have six parallel sockets to work with, then if your page is, say, an image gallery, then the Javascript file that makes it work (loaded at the bottom of the body) might be blocked waiting behind the loading of e.g. some large image higher up in the body. The previous requests need to entirely finish (= a round trip) before the next requests on the same socket can start. Keep-alive does nothing to fix that.
HTTP/1.1 pipelining partially mitigates this, allowing the client to "queue up" a list of all the dependent resources it wants from each socket; but it suffers from head-of-line blocking. Which sounds like some arcane thing, but in practice it means that big things might block the loading of small things. (The browser doesn't know how big things are, so it can't effectively schedule them; and the server must dumbly queue results up in the same order the client requested them, because that's the only way the HTTP pipeline's implicit flow sequence counters will match up.)
HTTP/2 is a full mitigation for this problem, since—even without a heuristic "prioritization strategy" for the delivery of dependent-resource flows—the "oblivious" strategy is still a good one: if you attempt to deliver all the resources in the queue concurrently; and you do so by delivering one fixed-size chunk of each flow per iteration, in a round-robin fashion; then you'll end up finishing delivery of resources smallest-to-largest—which means you'll usually deliver the most-critical resources first, no matter where in the dependent-resource queue they started.
Or, in short:
HTTP/1.0 = O(N) required roundtrips for a page with N resources.
HTTP/1.1 with pipelining = O(1) required roundtrips for a page with N resources (followed by O(N) bytes streamed half-duplex), but the page can still take nearly the same amount of time to become interactive as if it were O(N) roundtrips, because of effectively worst-case scheduling.
HTTP/1.2 = O(1) RTTs + O(N) half-duplex bytes for N resources, loading "intelligently" such that the page becomes interactive in O(log N) time.
I really appreciate your going into these details, but I still don't understand the "oblivious" strategy thing which supposedly improves baseline performance OOTB when the criterion is the time to first render of above-the-fold content given otherwise same conditions. You say the effect of delivering all resources concurrently is that "the most-critical resources [are delivered first], no matter where in the dependent-resource queue they started". But this isn't proven; it's just a different heuristic to apply to traffic shaping assuming small resources are needed early vs assuming dependent resources (+ HTML markup itself) are loaded asynchronously in the order the browser parses an HTML DOM (the default behaviour, and the one authors can influence directly). You're not magically increasing the bandwidth by multiplexing so something has to give.
The "oblivious approach" is "just a different heuristic to apply", yes. It's just one that happens to work especially well for HTML rendering, given that large resources tend to be depended upon in a way (e.g. an img or video tag) that gives them a pre-download bounding-box size, allowing the rest of the page to render around them and to not reflow once they're loaded; while the types of resources that tend to be small (like CSS or JS files) are mostly depended on with the semantics that they can potentially reflow the page entirely when they finish loading, which means the browser completely inhibits interactivity (and/or rendering, depending on the browser) until those resources finish loading.
The only things that kind of break this heuristic are:
• large single-file Javascript SPAs. These are usually just marked with the `async` attribute, such that the initial DOM of the page can first render, then be gradually enhanced when the SPA loads. But with HTTP/2 + ES6, you can also just not pack the SPA into a single file, instead relying on ES6 modules, which will each be individually smaller and therefore will end up being delivered first by the content-oblivious round-robin chunk-delivery strategy.
• web fonts, which are large and will necessarily cause a complete reflow of the page once loaded. Currently, browsers make a special loading-precedence exception for web fonts; though it doesn't matter as much right now, as they're still mostly served from third-party CDNs rather than as first-party HTTP/2 flows.
AFAIK, for regular web-page retrieval, these are exactly the total set of things that currently benefit from being server-pushed along with the first response; everything else just gets handled well even without server-push.
(If you're curious, server-push is really designed for the use-case of pushing secondary API responses along with an initial API response; to allow for GraphQL-like "single-round-trip resource-hierarchy/-graph walking" in a way that's more friendly for caching layers than comingling the results into a single resource-representation. It makes the most sense in a Firebase-like system, where un-asked-for server-pushed resources can be obliviously accepted and dumped into the client-side in-memory set of synced entities asynchronously to the parsing of the initial response; and then, once the dependency is parsed out on the client side, the client can discover that it already has the entity it wants in its in-memory entity store, and doesn't even need to make the request.)
Apologies if I've missed some part of the explanation that answers this. The way your previous reply described it, the benefit of HTTP/2 is loading smaller things earlier. But given that goal, couldn't the browser just prioritize JS/CSS files over images/videos for the same effect, without any new protocol that sets in stone some heuristic purely based on content size?
> the benefit of HTTP/2 is loading smaller things earlier
No, the benefit of HTTP/2 is a lack of head-of-line blocking. Head-of-line blocking can be easily seen when big things block small things, but that's not what it is. What it is, is when something doesn't make progress because another thing is being waited for.
Imagine a multimedia container file-format where you can't interleave audio frames with video frames, but rather need to put the whole audio track first, or the whole video track first. This format would be unsuited to streaming, because downloading the first chunk of the file would only get you some of one track, rather than useful (if smaller) amounts of all the tracks required for playback. Note that this is true no matter which way you order the tracks within the file—whether the audio (smaller) or video (larger) track comes first, it's still blocking the progress of the other track.
HTTP/2 is like a streaming multimedia container format: it interleaves the progress of the things it loads, allowing them to be loaded concurrently.
This doesn't just mean that small things requested later can be prioritized over large things requested early (though it does mean that.) It also means that, for example, if you load N small Javascript files that each require a compute-intensive step to parse+load (GPU compute shaders, say), then you won't have to wait for the compute-heavy load process of the previous files to complete, before you begin downloading the next ones; but rather you can concurrently download, parse, and load all such script files at once. Insofar as they don't express interdependencies, this will be a highly-parallelizable process, much like serving independent HTTP requests is a highly-parallelizable process for a web server.
One benefit of HTTP/2's lack of head-of-line blocking, that would be more talked-about if we had never developed websockets, is that with HTTP/2, you get a benefit very much like websockets, just using regular HTTP primitives. You can request a Server-Sent Events (SSE) stream as one flow muxed into your HTTP/2 connection, and receive timely updates on it, no matter what else is being muxed into the connection at the same time. Together with the ability to make normal API requests as other flows over the same connection, this does everything most people want websockets for. So the use-case where websockets are the best solution shrinks dramatically (down to when you need a time-linearized, stateful, connection-oriented protocol over HTTP.)
> new protocol that sets in stone some heuristic
Note that there's actually no explicit specification of the order in which HTTP/{2,3} flows should be delivered. What I'm calling "content-oblivious round-robin chunk scheduling" is just the simplest-to-implement strategy that could possibly meet HTTP/2's non-head-of-line-blocking semantics (and so likely the strategy used by many web servers, save for the ones that have been highly-optimized at this layer.) But both clients and servers are free to schedule the chunks of HTTP flows onto the socket however they like. (They can even impose a flow concurrency cap, simulating browsers' HTTP/1.1 connection limit and starving flows of progress. It'd make the client/server a non-conformant HTTP/{2,3} server, but it'd still work, as what progress "should" be being made is unknowable to the peer.)
It's a bit like saying an OS or VM has a "soft real-time guarantee" for processes. Exactly how does the OS scheduler choose what process will run next on each core? Doesn't really matter. It only matters that processes don't break their "SLA" in terms of how long they go without being scheduled.
The advantages listed above all come from the fact that HTTP/2 runs all traffic over a single multiplexed TCP connection, rather than HTTP/1.1, where clients are forced to open many independent TCP connections (because each is a single channel where responses must be returned sequentially, in the order they were requested, and so block one another).
That happens totally automatically, there's nothing special you need to do to enable that.
There are also other potential advantages once you look at push etc, but using TCP as it was meant to be used really does give you many advantages for free.
That's not true at all. HTTP/2 is hugely impactful without using push at all—multiplexing beyond 4/8 streams enables radically different, performant bundling strategies, all "for free" with zero configuration, just by the act of using the protocol.
The misconception is the idea that anyone can easily implement a compliant HTTP 1.1 server, or even client. The protocol may appear simple on paper but parsing it correctly and securely is quite tricky. IMO, one of the benefits of HTTP 2 and 3 is they force people to use libraries and remove the illusion that interacting with HTTP bytes on the wire is a reasonable thing to do.
The value of being able to build an HTTP 1.1 server is not in putting a hand-crafted server on the internet and serving traffic. It's in the experience of building the server and later applying that detailed byte-by-byte knowledge in real work. It's also in teaching young engineers that yes, they can learn something by digging into the layers that surround their own code. Part of the dysfunction of "enterprise" programming is the programmed helplessness of people who are surrounded on all sides by complex, opaque technology that turns curiosity into a liability. We are replacing a "whoa, I can see how it works!" experience with a "fuck, I guess have to leave this part to those bigcorp engineers" experience.
(I'm not agreeing with the author, just pointing out why he might care about the ability for an individual to implement the protocols the web is built on.)
I agree it's incredibly important to dig into layers under (and over) the one you're working at! I'm very grateful for the experience of building a simple unix-like kernel and a simplified TCP & IP implementation as school projects. And I'd encourage anyone to do the same with HTTP 1 or 2 or 3. The difference is that no one thinks that their educational/toy TCP implementation is suitable for production use, while people do seem to (mistakenly) think that about HTTP.
> IMO, one of the benefits of HTTP 2 and 3 is they force people to use libraries
What a strange comment. "The benefit of this protocol is that it's so complex that nobody understands it, so they have to use an existing implementation."
What a weird slippery slope argument. There is a world of difference between "so complex that nobody understands it" and "I can telnet to port 80 and fetch a webpage using keyboard and fingers"
That's pretty much in the "cut out future generations from system programming for the web" territory, and complexity for the sake of complexity. Also, you have to implement HTTP/2 in addition to HTTP/1.1.
It's a big jump to go from "this protocol is more complicated than the previous one" to "cut out future generations from system programming". It's not _that much_ more complicated that a competent programmer who's familiar with sockets and bytes can't ever accomplish it.
As discussed at length in another sub-thread here, the complexity solves real problems, it's not for its own sake. But if you're not convinced of that, nothing I say here is going to change that.
If you've worked with me, you'd know that I take simplicity as a virtue to an extent that's almost detrimental to getting stuff done. I despise complexity for its own sake. I wish as much as anyone that we could start over and redesign IP, TCP, TLS, HTTP, HTML, JS, and a few more things, with all our accumulated knowledge, into a simple and clean application and content distribution system that's easy to understand and observe. But path dependence :( We have to work with what we've got.
It's the picking out of HTTP 1.1 as some sort of golden age of clean and simple and observable that bothers me. It isn't.
What I don't get with the complaint is that HTTP/1 still works fine. If you are hosting (or writing) your own server, you can stick with that and be fine. I have heard ZERO talk about browsers deprecating HTTP/1 support.
For the companies implementing http/2, those improvements DO matter. They have different needs.
>but will completely cut out future generations from system programming for the web
There's so many things where my competence is based on understanding the simple preceding system plus a good intuition of how the class of systems tend to be bungled up over the years. We don't pay down the accumulated complexity, and newcomers don't get the same luxury I do.
It really becomes noticeable with highschoolers and I have to chose between teaching useless but illustrative groundwork, or just explaining and expecting a combination of taking it on faith and memorization.
This resonates with me, and I'd like to add HTTP/2 can only bring advantages if you actually go all the way to push/bundle resources into responses and have a strategy/priority when to push eagerly vs serve lazily; I'm even much more worried about upcoming QUIC (and DoH) because there's no impl in sight.