For anybody else irritated by watching all of the short segments stitched together by the video player at the Internet Archive, I wrote this script to concatenate the mp4 segments and re-encode as a single mp4 file.
BASE=$(basename $DIR)
echo copying from $DIR to create $BASE.mp4
# copy the files over
mkdir $BASE
cp -v $DIR/*.xml .
cp -v $DIR/*.mp4 $BASE/
echo done copying
echo convert segments to ts files
# convert all the mp4 files to intermediate transport stream format
for f in $BASE/?????.mp4; do
echo "$f -> $f.ts"
ffmpeg -i $f -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts $f.ts > /dev/null 2>&1
# concatenate all the ts files and then re-encode them to mp4
echo concatenate ts files and re-encode as mp4
(cd $BASE;
ffmpeg -i $(echo -n "concat:"; for f in *.ts; do echo -n "$f|"; done) -c copy -bsf:a aa c_adtstoasc ../$BASE.mp4
# clean up
echo clean up
rm -rf $BASE
echo done