C++ people don't do CRUD webshit. C++ is for compilers, HFT, machine learning, browsers, search engines, robotics. When C++ touches "the web" it's in the form of something like Envoy or HAProxy, not exactly application layer. For CRUD webshit, there are literally hundreds of options out there that largely automate the entire process (Rails/Django/Spring). There is no reason to use C++ for it not just because of the timesink but because the lack of safety makes it an aggressively bad idea. You would get all kinds of "I thought that wasn't a problem in the 21st century anymore" type of problems.
People do need to write UIs in C++ though (sometimes as frontends for some of the purposes you mentioned), and Qt is probably the most used UI toolkit for C++.
Wt is basically Qt for the web. I've used a lot of UI toolkits across many languages, and Qt with modern-ish C++ is fairly productive, doubly so if you're slapping something together for an existing C++ codebase you have.
This is the exact use-case where I've used Wt. Existing C++ codebase, needs an admin interface, needs to be accessible over the corporate intranet. Wt is perfect for that.
I've written several applications using this approach lately, administrative systems.
None in C++ yet, but Java & Go.
Integrating the UI tightly with the backend has a lot of advantages and I strongly prefer working in a sane language to both template engines and JSON APIs.
You are better served using D and Vibe.d or other D web frameworks if you really want a compiled web stack. Also the other obvious choice is Go and probably Rust but I havent found a web framework for Rust that doesnt annoy me to no end yet.