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I threw up a little in my mouth at the thought of James Gosling going to Google to work on Mono/C#. That is quite possibly the most retarded piece of speculation I've seen on the internet all year. How on earth you got 18 upvotes I do not know. Maybe Bruno has a spider crawling the net for references and then sicked his elite team of Argnetinian cyber-ninja-commandoes on it.

Once you're done throwing up please re-read what I wrote. I merely suggested that if Google wanted an alternative to Java they could use c# which is a similar (and probably better) language instead of inventing their own.

Be that as it may I still think you're delusional for suggesting that Google should jump on the Mono bandwagon, since Mono directly benefits their biggest competitor.

Moreover, in what way does hiring Gosling suggest that Google are seeking an alternative to Java? Is Gosling a closet C# fancier? I strongly suspect the opposite.

I think you need to re-read the whole thread more carefully. I never suggested that Google needs to adopt a java competitor (and I don't think they do), much less Mono. I was only responding to the hypothetical that someone else raised and said that if Google wanted a java competitor, they could just use C#. I personally can't see why they would want one.

Mono directly benefits their biggest competitor.

Mono directly benefits Oracle?

Yup, that and saying that Python and Go are well designed languages.

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