> One of the first things when I got myself an RTX 2080, was learning how to use the ray tracing APIs to develop an idea similar to what you mention.
I love the hacker ethos here on HN. Most places, we would here about how high an fps a person obtained on their favorite game with the settings cranked up. Here on HN, we hear about using the ray tracing api to model sound. It is stuff like this that keeps me coming back: hearing how people are using tech in new, really cool ways!
HN is more than one thing to multiple people and those things do not have a very large overlap. I'd love it if we could extract out the hackers/makers portion of HN and give it it's own tab so that the threads there would become longer lived.
I love the hacker ethos here on HN. Most places, we would here about how high an fps a person obtained on their favorite game with the settings cranked up. Here on HN, we hear about using the ray tracing api to model sound. It is stuff like this that keeps me coming back: hearing how people are using tech in new, really cool ways!