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"I love to cook, and love to try new foods. After watching Anthony Bourdain eat with families all over the world, I thought - I want to do that!"

You should take that quote and put it on your main page.

Abstract advice: I would consider that, unlike in accommodation, the main decision making factor for choosing a meal is going to be the skill and personality of the host. To repeat, people will care more about who is making the food than what the food is. Building your site to encourage a personal connection to the hosts will help you immensely.

Concrete advice: De-emphasise food pics on the homepage. Get portrait photos of your hosts holding their favourite dish. Use those photos to make a 'hosts' gallery that shows off each host, where they are, how many positive reviews etc.

Look at this page (and its sub-articles) until you see an after-image of it when you close your eyes: http://www.etsy.com/storque/search/title/featured-seller/

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