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Yes to everything prawn says. Tell us what the site does and please take down that food porn reference. It gave me a strong negative reaction, and I'm guessing you don't mean to associate your service with an industry that requires regular disease testing for participants....

Strategically, one option for bootstrapping might be looking for specialty food-related experiences. Perhaps launch in one or two specific markets (around SF?) and call some wineries and other food-oriented travel destinations and offer to market their products. Offering trips+experiences will justify higher prices and gives you a viral hook by encouraging users to get discounts for group travel. I'm much more likely to invite friends to a weekend outing than to the house of a stranger.

My reaction to "food porn" wasn't for the same reason as you, but just because I don't think the final product here is food porn. Food porn is slick photography of stunning meals. There might be a few home cooks that can manage that, but I don't know if the majority will and it creates a huge expectation otherwise.

Your second point made me think - Housefed Pro could even be in-kitchen dining experiences offered by winery kitchens, restaurants, etc?

The concept could be awesome in Asia, but when scams like the tea-house scam (China) are rife, it would have to be heavily policed/vetted or very much reliant on honest reviews.

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