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Very astute. I think you hit it dead on. The robot revolution will be about outsourcing menial tasks to cheaper humans, not super-duper AI. It's really more of the network revolution continued into servos, not a "robot revolution".

Isn't the world in an awful state when we value other humans' contributions on a lower level than robots. Not saying it hasn't been in the past, but one would have thought the wondrous fruits of Capitalism would have got us past that stage by now...

The Mturker's value for his time is set by him, not "us". If he doesn't derive enough value from doing the HITs to give a pile of servos on the other side of the world its smarts, then he doesn't have to.

The reality is that a human can still do in a few seconds what it takes a rack full of S3 instances an hour to do. Yes, the human's contribution costs less in absolute terms and is readily available so is valued less.

Where the value to the turker and the value to the employer meet in the middle, you get the wondrous fruits of capitalism (small 'c', not a religion).

The fruits of Capitalism can only blossom where the seeds are planted and nurtured.

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