If a specific person's respiratory system is really so bad that a mask would have a significant, deleterious effect, then a mask ordinance is of no consequence because that person really should not even be going out in public at all during the pandemic.
It is not just for them to decide that. They are in a risk group and therefore get infected more easily and spread the infection more easily. It is in their and all our best interest for them to stay home.
Right, society eventually get to decide, which society is it? The winner get to decide. Both side are part of the society. Both side fight for their interest. The against mask side will fight for its interest, just like the pro mask people fight for their interest.
>You rights end where your neighbor's nose begins
It goes both ways when you decide to force people who don't want to wear mask to wear mask.
So now you're talking about "want". Before you were talking about "can't". So which is it? Because if it's just "want", that's not people interested in living in a society.
>Because if it's just "want", that's not people interested in living in a society
Agree, people who don't want to wear mask certainly not interested in living in a society where they are forced to wear it against their will, thats why they fight for their interest just like the pro mask people fight for their interest to live in a society that they want.