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"Data laced with history" (2018) [1] is very relevant here. Interestingly, that extensive post obsessively vivisects RON 1.0 (Replicated Object Notation [2] as of 2017) which was based on columnar compression techniques Automerge recently implemented (53:24 in the talk).

Columnar formats have their upsides and downsides, though.

[1]: http://archagon.net/blog/2018/03/24/data-laced-with-history/

[2]: http://replicated.cc

It's worth noting that you are the author of RON :)

... and working hard to release the new version. Hearing the fuzzer buzzing as we speak...

Are there changes coming to RON that aren't currently mentioned on http://replicated.cc? Any clues as to what they might be?

I think, the new RON oplog is the biggest change.

awesome, thank you for your work.

> Columnar formats have their upsides and downsides, though.

Oo, it sounds like you have some interesting thoughts. Could you elaborate?

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