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This is a really cool concept! Awesome job.

I like the feedback someone else gave on showing photos of the people. Since this is more 'socialize here' than 'sleep here,' (unless it pivots into house-based on-availability takeout) I'd prefer to see photos of people + their interests than photos of the food.

It's saturday night, am I looking for someone making turkey sandwiches in Eugene, Oregon, or am I looking for some cool people to meet and have a few hour conversation with? Am I buying a conversation or the food? I think I'd be buying a conversation and an opportunity to meet new people. The meal is secondary.

My ex-girlfriend and I had a recurring conversation about meeting people and making new friends in our mid-20s. It's a good question, one I'd like to see tackled: "What does a non-dating 'dating' site look like?" Howaboutwe.com is sort of what I'd like to see done in this space, but a site like this that arranges social events / group 'friend' dates to meet people in your community based on food / interests / conversation? That's right up my ally.

Great job launching an MVP. I'd love to see what comes next.

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