A URL shortening service. Yeah, I'm thinking this could fit on a Pi. Database and everything on the SD card. Latency won't be great, but it should be possible, especially if you rewrote it in Rust.
It doesn't have to run a Bitcoin fullnode. It can run a SPV wallet which would take a few megabytes if that.
> take its bitcoin private key
Generate and store the key in a Hardware Security Module
The biggest killers are related to BTC. It would be difficult to pay for 5G with BTC (although there probably could be workarounds like how Purse.io has humans with credit cards buy your Amazon shopping carts in exchange for your BTC) and also difficult to get subscription revenue in BTC. Something like Libra could solve all these problems.
Depends. Here's a random SaaS which I assume is making money:
A URL shortening service. Yeah, I'm thinking this could fit on a Pi. Database and everything on the SD card. Latency won't be great, but it should be possible, especially if you rewrote it in Rust.
It doesn't have to run a Bitcoin fullnode. It can run a SPV wallet which would take a few megabytes if that.
> take its bitcoin private key
Generate and store the key in a Hardware Security Module
The biggest killers are related to BTC. It would be difficult to pay for 5G with BTC (although there probably could be workarounds like how Purse.io has humans with credit cards buy your Amazon shopping carts in exchange for your BTC) and also difficult to get subscription revenue in BTC. Something like Libra could solve all these problems.