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So someone pays me for me to cook for them? Sounds strange, why not get takeout or to a smaller restaurant if it's too pricey and want to eat out?

That is right. I don't think it will be for everyone. Instead of going to a restaurant, I would rather meet new friends & try real local food. But thats just me, and I am a hardcore foodie..

Why would you choose to use airBnb when there are small hotels and motels?

The answer is two-fold: 1) Cost. People cooking food and hosting guests don't have the same running costs as a restaurant. It may just be a bit of side-income or maybe they're breaking even and doing it out of passion. 2) The experience and locality is different than hotels and motels. I could see this being big in young, hip areas like SF (Mission, Haight Asbury) and Brooklyn.

Because I can have a decent meal for a similar price to paying someone. Airbnb you get a nicer place to stay for a far lower price. I mean not saying this is a terrible idea just saying it doesn't work for me.

Fair enough.

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