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I actually had a hard time trying to find the app in the Android Market, because there's only one search term and it's really generic. Colr would probably have been easier.

Even if it was Colr, Android Market could find a way to make it impossible to discover via search.

This seems like a somewhat trollish comment, but serious question: is it easier to find in the iOS App Store? How is that possible?

Similar problem (tons of "color" apps), but Apple managed to rank them highly in results when I looked.

I assume they key off of selection criteria from the users (ie. most users installed X after searching for Y, so rank X higher for Y), but it could also be that their company name and app name are both "Color".

This is exactly true, and the worst mistake, imo. I have no idea how to find it in the Android Market, and I suspect many others don't as well.

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