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I've been ReactOS' 'Web Team Leader' from 2004 to 2006. I'm really happy to see them get accepted into SoC again. Maybe that will bring some much needed impulses, it did when they were accepted the last time. The project has been around for a long time and has contributed significantly to Wine, but sadly has gotten nowhere with the OS itself. There has always been ambitious planning (Version 0.3.0 was released in 2006 and 0.4 and 0.5 were planned for not much later.) but not much getting forward (The current version is 0.3.13.). The problem is, that there are a few very talented people working on the project, doing what they love to do, but this is really not enough to get an OS anywhere.

Microsoft doesn't see the project as a threat because the code is nowhere near enough to replace any Windows installation.

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