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I once saw Gosling in an airport terminal waiting for a flight. He was consuming a large hot dog. I considered approaching him but decided to respect his privacy. When he finished his hot dog, he threw the messy wrapper directly onto the carpet. It was not a missed shot at the trash can, it was just blithely dropped on the floor. That's when I realized his work on automatic garbage collection had gone too far. I can't prove this, but I suspect that Bjarne would have discarded his own trash properly.

* I suspect that Bjarne would have discarded his own trash properly.*

either that or the wrapper would have caught fire and burned the whole terminal down.

> I suspect that Bjarne would have discarded his own trash properly

Either that, or hold it forever.

Either that, or accidentally eat his arm.

I see he uses the "Hotdog Acquisition is Satisfaction" idiom.

I suspect that Bjarne would be so overwhelmed with catching his flight that he would accidentally throw out his boarding pass along with the wrapper.

I think that Bjarne would not throw anything away. He would use the wrapper as writing paper.

>Bjarne would have discarded his own trash properly.

if he able to remember what pockets he has them in and keep correct counts of his hotdogs and their wrappers, large hotdogs, baby hotdogs in large wrappers, eaten, half-eaten, saved for later ...

Bjarne has a guy who holds the hot dog for him and throws it away at the appropriate time. Takes up an extra seat, though.

Great twist, I was hating you already in the middle of the paragraph and then! You should blog :)

oops my bad, I didn't realize this was a fictional story. <feels dumb?

I think he was telling an allegorical, fictional story for humor value.

Nope, true story with speculation added.

It was too good not to be true.

I had a friend (who shall remain nameless ;P) that once, while very drunk, was lying in bed wanting to throw up. Getting up to go to the bathroom was a very painful thought, however, but thankfully he remembered something important: he was primarily programming in Java at the time, and therefore he didn't need to worry as he had garbage collection on his side. Needless to say the result when he woke up was pretty bad.

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