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Facebook paid $200k for their domain a few years ago. Imagine what they would have to shell out now had they decided against it back then.


What you fail to mention is that they got by on thefacebook.com for a while before they ponied up and got the current domain ... at that point it was clear they were going to be huge so it didn't matter.

Spending $500k on a domain out the gate instead of getting 5 badass developers working on making your product rock, is stupid to me, but thats just me.

"Spending $500k on a domain out the gate instead of getting 5 badass developers working on making your product rock, is stupid to me, but thats just me."

They have $40.5 Million left for developers and if need be can raise even more. The question is: would 5 more developers make a difference?

The question really is, how long will even 40.5 million last if they let money run thru their fingers like that.

Putting aside the point of whether or not it was actually prudent to buy the domain, you take on an attitude that suggests that saving the $500k would have led to a better product. With $41M at hand, I'm not sure that's the case.

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