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This. I don't understand why everyone thinks the price for color.com was too high. We paid quite a bit more than that for our domain names, so I do have a point of reference here.

I personally believe this was a horrible investment in a horrible product with a horrible idea, but to rip on the domain name purchase really seems like the least of all possible concerns.

It looks like from your profile that your domains were for a purchasable consumer good, I still think $500k is expensive for that, but given how much juice Google gives to owning the domain, probably a pretty wise investment. You didn't have a choice about what people would search for, if I want a necktie, I'm going to search for "necktie".

No one is going to search for Color and find a photo app, they are going to search for the name of whatever the cool app people are talking about is, so for quick, cheap SEO they would have been better off calling it MonkeySponge or something.

> I personally believe this was a horrible investment in a horrible product with a horrible idea, but to rip on the domain name purchase really seems like the least of all possible concerns.

The whole point of the post was "The domain name fiasco is the indicator of a much bigger and deeper problem"

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