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I always thought that people mocked Color because Color got $41 million dollars and I didn't. I mean, they didn't.

You nailed it. Who is more mockable: the start-up with a 1.0 product that accepts a ton of VC money, or the VCs who threw the ton of money at them? How many hackers with a 1.0 product wouldn't take the VC money in the same circumstances? I'm sure some might refuse to take more than they thought they deserved, but that has got to be a tiny percentage. The real question is what the VCs saw to cause them to believe that this was worth what they paid. Given that others are not seeing it in the 1.0 product, it either has to be something else that's coming, or it has to be a pretty stupid investment. Either way, if someone is to be mocked, it's not the entrepreneurs who accepted the money.

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