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Hey trotsky, I'm totally down with people disagreeing with me, and I'd truly be interested in hearing your thoughts/opinion on why I'm wrong. But I think saying that I have "questionable intelligence" is unlikely to end up in the kind of quality discussion & debate hacker news is known for.

Did you really buy the domain names? What on earth are you going to use them for? It also seems that someone having my opinion (that domains in that form are embarrassing and not worth the small amount of money you paid) somewhat discounts your argument that domains don't matter. Clearly they do, at least to some extent. Are you honestly saying that if you had $41M in the bank you'd launch your brand with the domain myAwicklanderApp.com ? I doubt it.

Yeah, I did buy them, though I'm not sure what I'll do with them if anything. Maybe I'll point them to the color.xxx slide show. :)

My post was written, not from the perspective of someone that just got $41 million. But instead, how I would feel if I invested that money in a company and that's what they decided to spend it on.

Given the timing of the investment and the domain purchases it seems almost guaranteed (to me) that the investors knew they planned to buy them.

Also, I'm not sure how much of the quality discussion and debate that HN is known for you can expect on the 18th submission critical of color to hit the front page in the last few days.

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