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he just made a whole post about their domain name. it must be mission accomplished for the color guys.

domains don't matter because ppl don't expect you to have the most obvious of the domains. So in the situation if someone actually comes out and gets diapers.com or color.com ..then it's really an awe-factor.

their app (in functionality) failed and that is the only reason they are struggling. other than that their PR stunts (we raised huge money, we got great domains, we have great team, we have everything mobile/social/local) worked like a charm. no one can stop talking about them.

Having everyone say "you suck" isn't the kind of publicity you want. If your app sucks, you don't want it to be famous for sucking. I mean, Lotus Notes is famous, right? Are you running out to use it?

With this kind of publicity, you've got an uphill battle to convince people to use it - assuming you can improve it. Which the OP argues you COULD do if you diverted your PR money into actually working on the app.

I don't think there's much of an "awe-factor" in domain names. I heard the guy who made Instapaper interviewed, and he said that his domain and app name don't even make sense for his app; it was a domain he'd originally registered for a different idea. But nobody cares because they like the app.

I think the OP's point is valid: they could have easily come up with a short, memorable name, gotten it cheap, and hired 3 more developers.

People talked a lot about CueCat, too...for a while.

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