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Psychedelic Update (tinyletter.com)
2 points by mgriffes on July 8, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I've been writing this newsletter about psychedelics & psychedelia for about the last year. Recently have been looking to grow the audience a bit while staying in integrity. Thought it might be interesting to HN!

Here's an attempt at describing the motivation:

1. Reintegrating psychedelics into our culture is a big deal

1a. Psychedelics can help us surface shadowed material, help us work with trauma & old patterns that are no longer serving us, help us become more trustworthy / cooperative / compassionate / less zero-sum

1b. Flow-through effects from doing this right could be huge; there's massive upside here

2. We don't really know how to do this reintegration, very much figuring it out as we go

3. I write to explore this, both trying to understanding the mechanisms of action better and to figure out which models are working as psychedelics come more & more into the mainstream

And here's an essay that makes this same argument with a lot more detail: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/zwno3Gxb8p6DmfadP/...

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