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> UX specialists and UI architects/designers discuss things like thickness of lines

You wish.

I'm yet to see a company where (often clueless) executives don't override decisions of professionals.

I know a huge company where the CEO spent five weeks changing the curve of one of the letters in the logo, there were something like 25 iterations. Want to calculate how much that cost?

My guess is unfortunately zero USD.

Iterations often end up costing the designers their margin. Especially if the company has a good name.

CEO presumably spent five weeks doing something that was NOT his job, and was paid for it. I'm guessing the cost was substantial.

You are assuming that positive value is generated when the CEO does things that are his job. Now, when a good CEO does his or her job, that is probably a good assumption. But a CEO who is willing to spend that much time on graphic design is not a good CEO. If he was that incompetent when it came to everything else, most likely the company was better off having him tied up on a project where he couldn't do that much damage.

Upvoted - I agree on the first part. As for his incompetence, the worst thing that a company can do is "promote" someone to a position where one "can't do much damage". It's damaging for morale of employees who are competent and hard working, but not properly rewarded for their work when compared to "non-damaging" ones.

That's his choice.

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