The plane will be known by the product name, not the company name. >99% of the public couldn't tell you the name of the company that built the Concorde.
In fairness to the public, the two companies involved in producing Concorde have each changed names 3+ times after merging with other major aircraft and industrial concerns, and are each now fading memories as part of the two largest European aerospace & defense conglomerates.
I'd actually wager a significant portion of the population would correctly say Airbus, but for the wrong reasons - it's the only French aerospace company they can think of.
I did a straw poll among some friends and got a lot of "I don't know what that is. Do you mean the grape?"
Unless the engine question is solved, I don't see any of the new wave of civilian SSTs (Boom, Spike, Aerion) going anywhere.
The airplane talk, let alone an SST, is pretty much all about the engine. So, with none of them putting an engine on the table, whatever else they do is, honestly speaking, pointless.
Call me a pessimist, can we really afford to lunch new “modern” supersonic airplanes when the climate crisis has reached an irreversible turning point, with no solution in sight.
I think efforts like these suffer from serious disconnect at best, or some criminal lack of ethics at worst.