It doesn't work that bad on a few French examples I had lying around: It's doing quite well on scanned documents, even quite dense ones. Handwriting doesn't work well at all, even for simpler cases. It managed to recognize a few words from a blackboard picture, but that's hardly usable.
However, it looks like my simple example of an old "S note" export (like a lowish resolution phone screenshot) confused it a bit:
Reglementation -> Reglemantation
km -> kn
illimitée -> illiritée
limite -> liite
baptême -> bapteme
Overall, it works, and it is quite easy to install and use. I'd have to compare it with tesseract, but I think it's a bit better. A lot slower, though (I only have AMD devices, no CUDA). It's underusing my CPU, and maybe leaking memory a bit, though I didn't clean up.
Take that with a grain of salt, that was a quick try, I haven't tried to tune anything.