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According to that article, Italy was including high blood pressure as one of those "other illnisses." Bolsonaro is a 65 year old Brazilian, it's very possible he has high blood pressure and may not be considered healthy. Blood pressure is a significant health concern in Brazil (not that Brazil is special in this respect, many countries have problems with blood pressure).

Edit to address your question about why there is hysteria over this: Because normally people with minor health complications can live just fine. Sure, a smoker might get winded if they run, and a diabetic might have to watch their diet, but most people can live a normal life even with a minor health issue. Now all of a sudden we have a disease going around that significantly raises their chance of dying. So if everyone in your family is perfectly healthy and you only rely on other perfectly healthy people at the places you work and shop, then it might seem overblown. But for many people we have relatives that could be at risk if they catch the disease or our livelihoods could be impacted if people are dying around us. I don't think we should be "hysterical" but there is cause for concern.

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