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He was one of the first to bring COVID-19 to Brazil in a visit to the US in March. So one can truly say that he has spread the virus to millions.

wouldn't it mean a 3+ month incubation period?

When the government is AWOL, M16 as a tool to "encourage" people to wear masks :


"Young dealers, not state medical personnel, are the ones encouraging measures against coronavirus in the favela."

It is quite notable that the 3 worst hit countries - US, Brazil, Russia - are lead by the populist regimes, ie. governments using propaganda as the main tool which is naturally not an effective tool against an infectious virus. As the saying goes "these days in Russia when people die it is from pneumonia, and when people recover it is from coronavirus" (in Russia there is a criminal penalty specifically for coronavirus misinformation, which basically means any mismatch with the official info)

I believe they're referring to his aides that contracted the virus in March, not the President himself.

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