I thought that the most interesting thing was that it was in pascal! which I do have a bit of a soft spot for. It was my first "Real" language I learnt after Atari Basic/6502 asm, good ol Turbo Pascal
If you want to see more Pascal game code, a few months ago there was an MS-DOS game jam and i wrote a 3D adventure game in Free Pascal[0] :-). It comes with the source for the game and editor (the editor is in Lazarus).
I might do a proper submission to HN once i finish the OpenGL [1] and OUYA [2] ports. There is also a Windows port (this one is already available) that runs even on Win95, though it uses GDI so it isn't exactly fast (i might do a DirectDraw version at some point too).
The hardware accelerated versions will lose the "grittiness" of the software renderer, but i want to eventually have them working in my Voodoo 1 PC and such visual differences weren't uncommon at the time :-P.
Though note that Pascal Script is a bit limited - while you can use classes and methods exposed by the host application you can't declare your own classes and you are limited to using procedural style programming (but this is probably fine for most script uses).
This reminds me to libgdx. The first time I saw libgdx my first thought was that it was dead but after making some small games with it I discovered that the small community is very active and was really trying to grow and help each other. It was really nice never the less it was very small. So I will keep an eye out on this project. Maybe its a good option to do next ludum dare with.