This is not unusual, there are many cases of GPL violations out there and if someone puts energy into them they are solved. Harald Welte and [1] have been doing good work for many, many years in this regard.
From their about page:
"By June 2006, the project has hit the magic "100 cases finished" mark, at an exciting equal "100% legal success" mark. Every GPL infringement that we started to enforce was resolved in a legal success, either in-court or out of court." is in an extraordinary good position to help when it comes to GPL violations in the Linux kernel, because they work closely with some kernel developers that
"[..] have transferred their rights in a fiduciary license agreement to enable the successful project [..]"
Their website looks a little bit outdated but from what I understood from a talk that Harald Welte gave last year[2], they are still active. If someone wants to report the Onyx case you can do it at but be prepared to provide solid information[2].
From their about page:
"By June 2006, the project has hit the magic "100 cases finished" mark, at an exciting equal "100% legal success" mark. Every GPL infringement that we started to enforce was resolved in a legal success, either in-court or out of court." is in an extraordinary good position to help when it comes to GPL violations in the Linux kernel, because they work closely with some kernel developers that "[..] have transferred their rights in a fiduciary license agreement to enable the successful project [..]"
Their website looks a little bit outdated but from what I understood from a talk that Harald Welte gave last year[2], they are still active. If someone wants to report the Onyx case you can do it at but be prepared to provide solid information[2].