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I've been following a few different BASIC projects over the past few months, it seems that there is a sudden rise of them. Whether nostalgia, or just fun/learning/experimentation is to blame I can't say.

My own BASIC is very simple, but easy to embed/extend:


I sometimes consider extending it with WHILE/WEND, named functions, and similar. But then I remember the constraints are part of what makes it interesting to me.

I still remember the Christmas when I received 48k Spectrum, with my sisters. The tape-deck didn't work, so my sisters lost interest. I worked my way through the (spiral-bound orange) manual, typing BASIC and having a blast.

Later we got a cassette recorder which worked, and I started playing games, and hacking them for infinite lives. I think my initial love/enthusiasm for typing in BASIC programs directly lead to my career.

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