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Eggs are just... eggs, no matter how you write down your recipe. If you made a great cake and wanted to repeat the process, and it had three eggs in it, you'd... write down that you used three eggs. It's not really relevant to how you describe the quantities of the other ingredients you use.

But if you used 220g of flour, you're more likely to recreate the cake accurately next time if you write that down, than if you write down '1 3/4 cups flour'.

Eggs come in different sizes. There can be 100% size differences depending on the type of bird. Typical variation is usually a lot lower.

Yes, even from what you might call an ordinary chicken.

I know this because I have chickens. One hen lays eggs 50% bigger than the others. Another frequently does double yolks. This is far from uncommon.

But, like, I buy them in boxes, labeled 'Large', and... they're all pretty much the same, week after week. So... sure, I can get different sized eggs. But if I want to buy a lot of same sized eggs to cook with, I can do that.

Yeah I do the same. I also put "large egg" on those recipes. Sometimes it matters. Proportions of egg to flour can be significant for some recipes.

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