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If you're looking for "basic for the modern era", also check out freebasic and appgamekit studio, the latter of which is a descendant of darkbasic and the "tier 1" version uses a basic dialect. What made appgamekit better for me than qb64 or freebasic is the runtime debugging. While qb64 and freebasic compile down to native code, appgamekit uses bytecode in a vm, allowing you to use the same step, watch, breakpoint stuff as quickbasic of old.

FreeBASIC is a great descendent of QB, which is suitable for serious, even commercial projects. It has seperate "qb", "fb" and "fblite" dialects. "qb" is very highly compatible with QuickBASIC, while "fb" (the default) is a modern language which has almost all the features of C++98 except multiple inheritance and templates.

I'm co-maintainer of a large RPG creation engine written in FB.

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