I generally perform a mass whois search with a bunch of keyword combinations and add some prefixes and suffixes for popular endings like LY, ER, ED, S, R, etc. I created a pretty simple PHP script for doing this which I have since made drastic improvements to, but this should get you started:
I make it a point not to buy a domain I don't have a use for. There has been ~50-75 domains I checked in the last month that were nothing but godaddy parked domain pages. That being said, I usually just pick some words and phrases I like, and hit the thesaurus. If you're persistent and lucky, you'll hit a good+available .com
I have a few although I'm not sure they would be good for you. If you can tell me what sort of domain name you want (some theme, keywords etc) I can find good names which are available.
I bought bawk.com recently but probably will use another one as it turns out. I'd sell it to you for what it cost me because I'm a fan. I'll email you details if you like it.
I actually built something to generate nice word-sounding nonwords and found hundreds of interesting domains. Maybe i should build a product out of that.
It can occasionally come up with some gems and is one of the three tools I use when trying to find available domains (the others being http://domai.nr/ and http://impossibility.org/)
The whole thing stores to a file as well as uses a couple different WHOIS servers to avoid you getting temporarily banned by randomly picking one.